SAP customers all know that they will need to complete their transition to SAP S/4HANA by 2027. Many have already begun planning the transformation but it can be a daunting prospect – especially for customers with large and unwieldy legacy databases. This is why it is highly recommended – by SAP as well as various consultants and analysts – to start the process by cleaning up your data.
When people plan a house move, they make a list of what to ditch or give away and what to take with them to the new place. It’s just the same with data. When you’re planning a transformation project, you won’t want to move all of your old data over to the target system. Why not? It’s not used any more, it takes up badly-needed space, and it’s a drain on operating costs. The solution: data housekeeping. It’s the process of finding out what data you have, checking it, cleaning it, and organizing it.
How to use this approach to permanently increase the performance of your systems, you will learn in our Housekeeping Roadbook. Download now!