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      Public Business

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      The Public Sector

      Make digital happen in the public sector!

      If not already a known concern before, the Covid pandemic made it obvious: to maintain its market competitiveness, Germany must accelerate its efforts to digitize its public sector! However, while citizens and companies expect administration and authorities to act with agility and efficiency powered by digital processes, bureaucracy and process complexity have put hurdles in place which prevent society from evolving at a required pace. With its Online Access Act (Onlinezugangsgesetz, OZG), legislation mandated federal, state, and municipality institutions in Germany to optimize online accessibility to their service portfolio by end of 2022. It exemplifies that pursuing digitalization would present Germany with new opportunities to keep its status as a world economic power nation along with increased resilience to potential future crises.

      Your partner for the digital administration

      Natuvion is well-positioned to guide and support public entities on their journey to become the effective, fully digital administration. In the past, our transformation experts have found themselves at the center of legal requirements, innovation pressure, and customer service. Managing those challenges for businesses in the public sector are similar to those that we have experienced when serving energy companies.

      At the same time, our teams have demonstrated their broad functional and technical expertise in many transformation projects, making Natuvion the go-to consultancy for process and system transformation needs. Komm.ONE is a German state public institution providing IT and technology services to the state’s various municipalities. The organization relies on Natuvion to ensure that its more than 1,000 members, all local public administrations, transition successfully to SAP S/4HANA.

      With our proprietary software solution for data migration, the Natuvion Data Conversion Server (DCS), transitioning to S/4HANA becomes significantly easier for public sector organizations. The software is already tailored for the SAP modules PSCD and PSM, and can be deployed at the push of a button. We also offer solutions to address the common issue of duplicates in business partner records.


      „The transition to SAP S/4HANA is one of the most demanding tasks for an IT group of a municipality in the state of Baden-Württemberg. Together [with Natuvion], we ensure that this will be a smooth experience for all parties involved.“

      Andreas Pelzner

      Member of the Board Komm.ONE


      Our Public Sector Service Portfolio


      Transformation to SAP S/4HANA with SAP Activate

      From preparation to planning and implementation to go-live. The holistic Natuvion transformation approach offers services that cover all phases of a transformation. The flexible concept allows our experts to address any specific aspect of the public sector, where we are often confronted with local municipal IT systems in dedicated specialized data centers.

      Considering the many SAP S/4HANA transformations that are still to come in the near future, all Natuvion services are fully aligned with the phases of the SAP Activate methodology. Each phase consists of individually configurable modules that you can leverage to craft your own transformation plan. This structured approach together with intelligent tools such as the Natuvion DCS ensures a smooth transformation journey.

      SAP Activate for SAP S/4HANA at a glance:

      • Discover: Initial SAP S/4HANA planning

        The wealth of transformation knowledge is the basis for our ability to plan and run a discovery workshop which results in a complete picture of your individual situation and a tailored SAP S/4HANA road map. This includes an assessment of transformation options, activities, timeline, and budget considerations.

      • Prepare: SAP S/4HANA transformation preparation project

        We offer service packages which are built on the findings of the previous discovery phase. These activities are designed to provide more details and prepare an overall high-level concept for the platform transition. This concept allows you to start the detailed project planning to get ready for the execution phase.

      • Explore: Development of the functional and technical details

        With our packages for the explore phase, we enter into specific areas, create detailed concepts, and already begin with a seamless transition into the technical implementation. The business and IT concept with detailed task packages mark the technical implementation start of your SAP S/4HANA transformation.

      • Realize: Technical SAP S/4HANA transformation execution

        During the transformation execution phase, you benefit from our Best Practice Packages for the public sector. These packages bundle our expertise and experience from similar projects and can easily be extended to integrate your individual requirements. This phase completes your transformation from a business and technical perspective, and the successful go-live manifests the major achievement.

      • Deploy: Hypercare and operations

        Despite thorough planning and best in class execution, organizations are not immune to issues reported by users in the early days of operations. Our experts guide you through this phase ensuring transparency and adoption of process changes introduced with the SAP S/4HANA transformation. With your business and system running in a stable mode, you eventually crossed the finish line of your transformation project.



      Data Quality Management

      Public institutions often run large IT systems with considerable amounts of data. Although widely recognized that staying on top of your data makes a significant difference, many organizations still struggle with managing their data.

      To address the data challenge, Natuvion has developed tools and methods. With the help of the analysis platform Natuvion SOPHIA, we gain detailed system insight, identify duplicates, and initiate necessary steps for data cleansing. Increased data quality is not only a crucial prerequisite for a successful transformation project, but it also creates the basis to continuously ensure high data quality.



      Data Privacy and Compliance

      Public administration personnel handle personal data on a daily basis. Therefore, all related activities and processing of such data must be in full compliance with GDPR to ensure data protection.

      At Natuvion, we excel in implementing data protection and compliance regulations as part of our core business. Whether it concerns the anonymization or pseudonymization of personal data, or the introduction of a sustainable data protection compliant information lifecycle management system, you can count on our extensive experience. We leverage powerful tools that support us during the implementation of GDPR requirements while accelerating phases and delivering best compliance results.



      Duplicate Detection and Cleanup in Business Partner Master Data

      In SAP S/4HANA, the business partner master data is mandatory. Customers and vendors from the SAP ECC system go through CVI integration (Customer/Vendor) before or during the legacy data transfer to match the data model in SAP S/4HANA. It is common for duplicates to inadvertently appear in master data within a long-standing and active ERP system. Data migration presents an opportunity to reduce the volume of existing master data.

      With Natuvion SOPHIA's duplicate analysis, you can perform a duplicate check on your systems both before and after the business partner implementation, and clean up your business partner master data at the push of a button.

      The data is automatically evaluated based on various criteria, such as bank details, addresses, contract accounts, or contract objects. You then decide which record becomes the "Golden Record" and which records can be archived. All transactions related to your business partners in the transaction data tables are automatically assigned and rekeyed to the "Golden Record." This ensures that no history is lost during the data transfer from the source to the target system.

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      Your step-by-step transformation guide

      Are you planning a transformation, have you just started or are you in the middle of it? This guide is for you! Backed by almost 1,000 successfully completed projects, we documented the dos and don’ts that bring you closer to your transformation success.


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