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      Agile or not agile? That’s the question!


      While in 2012 78% of companies used agile methods and processes, in 2020 it jumped to 91% that relied on agility (study ‘Status Quo (Scaled) Agile’, HS Koblenz). However, introducing agile approaches for its own sake is not reasonable. In order to reduce the risk of failure right from the start, raising a few questions will support your decision process whether an agile or non-agile project set up is applicable to your situation.

      1. Project complexity – Do you know the What and How?

      Agile frameworks are built for complex environments. It is there where they feel at home. That is why you should ask yourself at the beginning of every project whether you are confident in determining the requirements from start to finish and understanding all dependencies. If the answer to this question is yes, and you know how to technically implement the requirements, then agility is not for you. If the answer is no and the technology to be used is still uncertain, the agile frameworks are right for you and your project.

      2. Processes – Are they ready for agile?

      The next question that should be asked at the beginning is whether the project is embedded in an environment where both sides of the project are suited for an agile approach in terms of processes and rules.
      Every project team can master a scrum flow with all its events, roles, artifacts, and commitments. But if the project environment is reluctant to embrace a true agile mindset by adhering to old habits, conflicts are just a matter of time. Therefore, before starting your project, validate that the environment is ready to adopt rules and principles of agile approaches. If the answer is no, then do not consider a purely agile approach, rather evaluate a hybrid setup for your project. In a hybrid scenario, it is best to maintain a traditional foundation and use agile elements on top such as a Kanban board.

      3. People – Are all educated about agility and understand agile frameworks?

      Last but not least, clarify that everyone involved in the project is enabled to think and act agile. This means more than just knowing how scrum works. It is crucial that every individual involved understands and stands behind agile values and principles and is willing to actively implement an agile framework. Be prepared to lay the foundation through basic agile training and to elaborate through a complementing kick-off workshop.

      Do you need guidance to decide if agile is for you? 
      Our experts will be happy to advise you on setting up your project. Together we will evaluate an agile approach for your project. We train your project team members, and our consultants and coaches guide you during the implementation phase. Reach out to us!


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