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      Can that data be removed?


      The volume of data in companies continues to grow, and managing and cleaning up this data plays a key role in business success. Natuvion SOPHIA, Natuvion's proprietary analysis tool, specializes in data analysis and cleanup. In this post, Dominik Christ, Solution Advisor at Natuvion, introduces Natuvion SOPHIA and the Natuvion Data Cleanup Assessment, which can both help optimize your data quality.

      Data holds immense value and is critical to the success or failure of a business. That’s why it is crucial for companies to have a comprehensive overview of their data. Natuvion offers an innovative solution to achieve this with its data analysis tool, Natuvion SOPHIA.

      Natuvion SOPHIA performs extensive data scans and is specialized in data cleanup. This enables companies to reduce their overall data volume while simultaneously improving data quality. This in turn leads to optimized operating costs, simplified transformation processes, and long-term improvement of system performance.

      The preliminary project, Data Analysis and Cleanup, offers a variety of benefits, including the identification of data quality issues, the determination of actionable recommendations to enhance data quality, and the initiation of compliance processes. It enables a forward-thinking approach to an active data lifecycle, which is critical for companies to meet increasing data protection and compliance requirements.

      Data Analysis and Data Cleanup


      As part of the preliminary project for a SAP S/4HANA implementation, Natuvion makes it easier for companies to assess data cleanup potential in selected source systems and carry out the data cleanup ahead of the migration. This process involves addressing identified cleanup potential from the data analysis phase and ensures that the data is optimally prepared for migration to SAP S/4HANA

      Comprehensive System Scan 

      Natuvion SOPHIA is user-friendly and highly customizable. With over 500 analyses across five different areas, the tool provides a comprehensive system scan as well as a wide range of configuration options and selection filters for analyzing data. From technical data volume analysis to identifying data quality issues, companies gain deep insights into their SAP systems and acquire crucial information to help them plan transformation projects for an SAP S/4HANA migration. 

      Data Volume Management (DVM): A Key Aspect of Data Optimization

      A crucial part of data analysis and cleanup is Data Volume Management (DVM), which focuses on developing strategies and actions to reduce overall data volume. This not only lowers operational costs but also increases system efficiency. Natuvion SOPHIA provides analyses and features that help identify data cleanup opportunities and optimize data volume, including pinpointing the largest data tables in SAP, leading to sustainable data volume reductions.

      What Natuvion SOPHIA Can Do:


      • Identification of High-Volume Data Areas: Comprehensive analyses span multiple data sources, identifying overly large or redundant data areas and suggesting actions to reduce overall volume. 

      • Optimization of Data Archiving and Cleanup: By analyzing archiving processes and identifying outdated or unnecessary data, companies can optimize their data archiving strategies, freeing up storage space and increasing efficiency in data management.

      • Implementation of Data Compression and Deduplication Techniques: This leads to a significant reduction in data volume without compromising data integrity or availability. 

      • Development of a Comprehensive DVM Strategy: An effective data volume management strategy requires a holistic approach that includes data archiving, cleanup, compression, and deduplication. Natuvion SOPHIA helps you develop tailored DVM strategies that meet your specific requirements and business goals.  

      • Continuous Monitoring and Optimization: Data reduction and data volume management is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and optimization. With Natuvion SOPHIA, you can continually monitor and adjust your DVM strategy to ensure it meets current requirements and best practices.

      Overall, Natuvion SOPHIA enables companies to effectively reduce data volume and manage it better, leading to improved efficiency, cost savings, and better utilization of their data resources. By implementing a holistic DVM strategy, companies can strengthen their competitiveness and lay a solid foundation for future growth.

      Data Quality Management (DQM): Pillar of Data Integrity and Compliance

      Data Quality Management (DQM) plays a crucial role in ensuring data integrity and compliance with regulatory requirements. Companies must ensure that their data is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date to make informed business decisions and comply with regulations. Natuvion SOPHIA offers a range of features and analyses that help companies improve and ensure the quality of their data, ensuring it meets the highest standards.

      • Identification of Data Quality Issues: Potential data quality issues are identified through an analysis of the data that highlights inconsistencies, incompleteness, and inaccuracies. Early detection and resolution of these issues ensure that your data is reliable and meaningful.

      • Deriving Best Practices for Data Quality Improvement: Based on the analysis results, companies can derive best practices to continuously improve their data quality. This can include introducing data entry policies and procedures, implementing validation rules, and training employees.

      • Supporting Compliance Requirements: Robust data quality management is essential for complying with legal regulations and industry-specific standards. Natuvion SOPHIA helps meet compliance requirements by monitoring data quality, identifying risks, and taking steps to mitigate them.

      • Fostering a Culture of Data Quality: By implementing DQM processes and tools like Natuvion SOPHIA, companies can promote a culture of data quality, where the importance of accurate and reliable data is recognized and valued across all business areas. This strengthens trust in data and improves the effectiveness of business processes.

      Integrating data quality management into data analysis and cleanup processes brings significant benefits to companies. It ensures data integrity, meets compliance requirements, and facilitates quicker and more informed business decisions. Data is a strategic resource, and with Natuvion SOPHIA, companies can develop and implement a comprehensive data quality strategy, leading to optimal data usage.

      Data Avoidance: Optimization Potential through Targeted Data Avoidance

      In addition to data volume and quality management, data avoidance plays an important role in optimizing company data. Data avoidance refers to the targeted prevention of data accumulation for information that is not immediately needed for business processes or analysis purposes. By implementing data avoidance strategies and policies, companies can further reduce their data volume, improve data quality, and increase the efficiency of their data management. This helps lower costs, enhance compliance, and optimize overall company performance. Natuvion SOPHIA identifies areas where data can be avoided and takes appropriate measures to create a leaner and more efficient data landscape.

      The Complete Package

      Using Natuvion SOPHIA for effective data analysis and cleanup enables you to ensure that your data is of the highest quality, meets increasing data protection and compliance demands, and helps you reduce costs. Feel free to contact us via our website if you would like more information about Natuvion SOPHIA.

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