There are two typical SAP standard options to move to SAP S/4HANA. The so-called Greenfield- and Brownfield approach. Another extremely popular transformation option is the Selective Data Transition (SDT). It offers many advantages for companies that need more flexibility when migrating to SAP S/4HANA. In addition, SDT allows various aspects of the above-mentioned transformation scenarios to be combined securely and intelligently.
A Selective Data Transition to SAP S/4HANA®, combines a flexible redesign of business processes while retaining historical data aligned to a new business reality. It allows you to freely select the transferred set of data and leave non-selected data behind. In addition, you are able to flexibly re-organize the target system landscape and merge or split systems according to your requirements. Also, SDT allows customers a phased Go-Live (for example county by country) and a minimized downtime as the migration can happen in waves of organizational units.
To provide these benefits, SDT requires experience and a set of proven methods, tools and software. SAP has formed a global expert community (SAP S/4HANA® Selective Data Transition Engagement) to standardize this approach and guarantee a consistent quality of execution. Natuvion is one of these members and will provide you with a reliable and proven transition to SAP S/4HANA®.
This SAP SDTE whitepaper provides IT decision-makers, IT architects and project managers of the SAP S/4HANA® Transition with a comprehensive overview about the pros and cons as well as the architectural assumptions behind the Selective Data Transition approach.
Which transition approach works best for you? The Discovery Phase’s intention is to answer this question. When regio iT started planning E.V.A's SAP S/4HANA transformation, it also relied on this phase with a clear result: A profound transformation roadmap.